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Casino Royale Awards Night | Ep 15 PressPlay Reality

Building a business such as the PressPlay Realty Network is exhausting. It is essential to celebrate the successes and wins we achieve along the way. The agents of the PressPlay Realty Network in AZ, CA, UT and WA closed over $45 Million in total real estate sales volume in 2016 and came just shy of 200 total families helped. This is a passionate and caring group of agents who dedicate their days to helping people and families, and 2017 is ahead of last year’s pace as well.

Contact PressPlay at http://pressplayreality.com or at any of the social media handles below.

To join the network go to http://pressplayrealty.com/join.

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Snapchat – Instagram – Twitter @jasonwellsesq @chrnielaw @ashlie.vanwinkle